Heather of Thrift Stories was kind enough to feature me in her "Tour Through Blogland" post. This fun series helps readers discover new bloggers that inspire the bloggers they already like. It's also an opportunity to get to know your favorite bloggers a bit better through a few questions!
1) What am I working on?
Currently I'm working with a few people on some top-secret collaborations! :X Just kidding. Not top secret, but definitely a few surprises in store for you guys, and I just can't be the one who ruins the surprise :)
2) How does my work differ from others in it's genre?
I'd like to think my personality and what I strive for with this blog sets me aside. Because one day, I'd like to use this blog to inspire people with my photography, fashion, recipes, anything that inspires me as well.
3) Why do I write/create what I do?
Originally, I started this blog as a sort of never ending love letter to my mother, Sunny. Almost a tribute to her and our shared love for fashion. But since starting it, I have discovered this blog pushes me creatively. Sometimes my stubborn mind will push back, but sometimes, there are moments my mind acquiesces and the floodgates open with a million ideas for DIYs, outfits, recipes.
4) How does my writing/creating process work?
I tend to start with whatever inspires me, and most often then not, I change direction before I even start! I go with whatever gets my mind running and excited, because I'd like to think it will do the same for you.
Let's start things on the West Coast.
Hi, I’m Gina! I am a baker, Asian halfie, cat-lover and military wife. I grew up in New York and now live in the Cali Bay area. My blog name- Pink Wings – comes from my being a pilot’s wife. After marrying my pilot, life is all about planes and traveling which I love. So I sometimes post about my travels, but mostly I blog about food and personal style.
Let's jump 3 hours ahead to the East Coast & welcome a Jersey blogger!
Creatively Victoria was originally created to share my daily style and shopping finds with anyone who happened to come upon it. Fast forward to now, it has almost been two years since my original creation of my little cyber world. Creatively Victoria has grown just as I have into a blog filled with inspiration, style, beauty and all the adventures life has to offer. It is my own piece of paradise in which I can share with my lovely readers things that inspire my soul - hopefully inspiring them as well.
When I'm not bombarded by my college studies, being the Beauty Director and Style Columnist of Cliché Magazine and a writer for Her Campus WPUNJ, I am brainstorming and inventing new content for my beautiful readers. From, "Little Finds" to "Manicure of the Week," I am constantly expanding my blog with everything I love.
In 2013 I started our blog as a way to share my love of fashion as well as my postpartum fitness journey. Over the course of a year, what started as a hobby turned into much more. I work in a small Internal Medicine practice and am a certified personal trainer, so I recruited the help of a physician from our office and my sister-in-law Erica who is Registered Dietitian to take Pumps and Push-Ups from a fun hobby to a platform for sound health advice. Fashion still plays a large role in our blog because it's just so much fun! From photo shoots to meeting fabulous women from across the globe, the whole experience has been so rewarding. I can't wait to meet more new people and see where this little blog takes us!
Now we're going ALLLLL the way to Asia to feature someone who is as fascinating as her artwork is inspiring.
Ren Rong is a magpie from Singapore who combines her love for colours, dressing up, and photography at her blog. Her current obsession is quirky socks. She also draws things, and may be found lurking in fandoms.
I hope you guys enjoyed meeting some amazing bloggers, and may they inspire you as they do me :)
Linking up with Shanna, Lauren, Lindsey, Melaina, Lauren, Jen, Claire Justine, Amber, Sarah & Meg
Remember to follow me on